
Save Up to 300% on Your Staff’s 401(k) Payments!

Save Money: Consolidate your staff’s 401(k) contributions. You can combine with your payroll deposits to U.S. bank accounts for even more savings.

Save Time: Schedule and process all your transactions with a few simple clicks, significantly reducing accounting time and expense.

Offer an Exceptional Benefit: You’ll save your staff members money and time. Without spending any more or your organization’s money, you’re able to offer a benefit worth hundreds of dollars per year to each of your staff.*

*Currently only available for payments to U.S. bank accounts. Pricing example in USD.


Simple Pricing

Our pricing model is simple, with two options. 

Option One - Employer Pays:

There is a small fee to receive, segment and pay out to each of your staff’s 401(k) and personal bank accounts. 

Example: Assume you are paying to 40 U.S. Bank accounts:


Option Two – Employee Pays:

·      Employee transfers funds from a local bank account through the Tadley Payments Network to an account designated in their name. 

·      Funds are consolidated to an account under employer heading.

·      401(k) contributions are paid timely.

·      Cost is $5 - $10 per transaction.